
class pdpbox.pdp.PDPInteract(model, df, model_features, features, feature_names, pred_func=None, n_classes=None, memory_limit=0.5, chunk_size=-1, n_jobs=1, predict_kwds=None, data_transformer=None, num_grid_points=10, grid_types='percentile', percentile_ranges=None, grid_ranges=None, cust_grid_points=None)

Performs Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) analysis for interaction between two features.


A trained model object. The model should have a predict or predict_proba method. Otherwise a custom prediction function should be provided through pred_func.


Number of classes. If it is None, will infer from model.n_classes_. Please set it as 0 for regression.


A custom prediction function. If not provided, predict or predict_proba method of model is used to generate the predictions.

model_featureslist of str

A list of features used in model prediction.


The maximum proportion of memory that can be used by the calculation process.


The number of samples to predict at each iteration. -1 means all samples at once.


The number of jobs to run in parallel for computation. If set to -1, all CPUs are used.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model’s predict function.


A function to transform the input data before prediction.


The number of samples to use for estimating the distribution of the data. This is used to handle large datasets by sampling a smaller subset for efficiency.


The type of the plot to be generated.


List of column name(s) for the 2 chosen features. The length of the list should be strictly 2.


List of custom names for the 2 chosen features. The length of the list should be strictly 2.

pdp_isolate_objslist of PDPIsolate

A list of PDPIsolate objects, for two features.


The number of feature grids. For interact plot, it is the product of n_grids of two features.


A 2D array that contains the combinations of feature grids. The shape of the array is (n_grids, …).


A flag indicating if the prediction function was obtained from the model or was provided as input.

targetlist of int

List of target indices. For binary and regression problems, the list will be just [0]. For multi-class targets, the list is the class indices.

resultslist of PDResults

The results of the Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) analysis. For binary and regression problems, the list will contain a single PDResults object. For multi-class targets, the list will contain a PDResults object for each class.



Generates the PDP plot.

plot(plot_type='contour', plot_pdp=False, to_bins=True, show_percentile=False, which_classes=None, figsize=None, dpi=300, ncols=2, plot_params=None, engine='plotly', template='plotly_white')

Generates the Partial Dependence Plot (PDP).

plot_type{‘grid’, ‘contour’}, optional

The type of interaction plot to be generated. Default is contour.

plot_pdpbool, optional

If it is True, pdp for each feature will be plotted. Default is False.

to_binsbool, optional

If True, the axis will be converted to bins. Only applicable for numeric feature. Default is True.

show_percentilebool, optional

If True, percentiles are shown in the plot. Default is False.

which_classeslist of int, optional

List of class indices to plot. If None, all classes will be plotted. Default is None.

figsizetuple or None, optional

The figure size for matplotlib or plotly figure. If None, the default figure size is used. Default is None.

dpiint, optional

The resolution of the plot, measured in dots per inch. Only applicable when engine is ‘matplotlib’. Default is 300.

ncolsint, optional

The number of columns of subplots in the figure. Default is 2.

plot_paramsdict or None, optional

Custom plot parameters that control the style and aesthetics of the plot. Default is None.

engine{‘matplotlib’, ‘plotly’}, optional

The plotting engine to use. Default is plotly.

templatestr, optional

The template to use for plotly plots. Only applicable when engine is ‘plotly’. Reference: https://plotly.com/python/templates/ Default is plotly_white.

matplotlib.figure.Figure or plotly.graph_objects.Figure

A Matplotlib or Plotly figure object depending on the plot engine being used.

dict of matplotlib.axes.Axes or None

A dictionary of Matplotlib axes objects. The keys are the names of the axes. The values are the axes objects. If engine is ‘ploltly’, it is None.